

sarve bhavantu sukhinah,

sarve santu niraamaya,

sarve bhadraani pasyantu,

maa kaschit dukha bhaagbhavet.

lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu,

sarve janaa sukhino bhavantu,

Om shanthih, shanthih, shanthih.

May all be happy.

May none suffer.

May all be free from afflictions.

May all be endowed with resources and necessaries of life.

May all behold what is good and auspicious.

May all be wedded to the vow of commonweal.

May none suffer from sorrow.

May the world be happy and peaceful.

May all people be happy and peaceful.

May peace, peace, peace be unto all.

Om Sarvey Vai Sukhinah Santu,

Sarvey Santu Niramayaah

Sarvey Bhadraani Pashyantu,

Maa Kashchid Dukha Maapnuyaat

Aum Shanti Shanti Shantihi

May all possess happiness.

May all be healthy (free from all diseases)

May all see beauty.

May there be good fortune and no misery anywhere.

May there be peace everywhere.


ЗЫ перевод кажется не очень точный, но смысл тот

З.З.Ы Через сорок минут мне семнадцать лет )

28.02.2007 в 01:58

Двое меня! И не разделяйте!

28.02.2007 в 16:11

Спасибо! Прекрасные лотосы..

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